Kids Changed Our Marriage

August '09
Alot has changed in the 7 years we've been together.  When we met I was freshly 21 and now, I'm pushing 30.  We spent many of our nights choosing what movie we would see at the theater in Old City or what new restaurant we'd try.  We grabbed drinks after I got home from work or I cooked dinner after shopping for a recipe I found in Bon Appetit.  We loved to grab breakfast on Saturdays and Sundays and then head to our respective gyms for the morning.  We went to street festivals and beer gardens, explored new towns and islands.  Before the boys got here, I thought we were the closest we could ever be.
July '16
Campbell and Lucas have not only changed us as people, they've changed our marriage.  I knew Mike would be a great dad but it's beautiful to watch how the boys light up when he comes home.  He reads to them, tells them stories, and is always asking how he can help me.  I love him in a whole new way.  We've seen each other in a different light this year, we respect each other more.  We've been in the trenches together at 3 AM when one of the boys was losing his mind for only a reason a newborn could.  We were exhausted and hungry and needed showers but he reminded me often in those first few months of motherhood how he was in awe of me as a mom.  We value our time together, knowing that grabbing drinks on a Wednesday just isn't an option.  Even if dinner out is with boys in tow, we make the most of it.  I've learned since having the boys that our marriage should change.  It can not always be how it was, we must adapt and grow as a couple.  I can be nostalgic for the days when I didn't have to pack 4 people 3 days in advance of traveling just to keep myself sane.  But we can't go back to them and I don't want to.  Our marriage is no longer just the two of us, it includes our family.  Cheers to our third year of marriage, the year that pushed us to grow both in size and in our relationship.

Twin Momma Must-Haves: Milk Snob Cover

We knew when the boys were born early, we needed to offer them as much protection while out as possible.  Every baby has a low immune system but preemies are even more susceptible to dangerous germs.  We spent enough time in the hospital in their early days, I did not want something like RSV to land us back there.  We had also been warned when you have twins, EVERYONE wants to look and touch them. I needed a way to keep the boys safe from germs and strangers.  I hated all the really thick covers I was seeing and I hated the prints they came in even more. 
After many late nights scrolling through Instagram, I stumbled across Milk Snob.  Texas based momma Melanie Disbrow came up with a breathable cover that slips right over your car seat after she couldn't find a cover that worked for her babe.  The cover is made of a lightweight knit so air can circulate but still offers protection against the elements.  The boys stay hidden inside but the hole at the top can be used to peek in.  The covers have deterred many people from going right for the boys with their germy hands and allowing me to control who can look in on them.  The covers come in beautiful patterns, I have my eye on the florals for my future girls.  I kept with the classic black and white stripe but new patterns are being released all the time.  The boys love to stare at the stripes and I get tons of compliments while we're out and about.  Although I don't breastfeed, it does double as a nursing cover.  If you are one of our insta followers, you know I struggle getting the cover on my 4moms MamaRoo but it can be done (I think all my brain cells went to the boys).  The boys love to kick their blankets off while in their 4moms but using the cover keeps the "blanket" in place.  With so much versatility, Milk Snob covers will make a wonderful shower or bringing home baby gift and your momma friends will thank you again and again!

Windy days can't stop our walks
Covers as blankets on 4moms seats

Friday Five

When you hate teething toys, you stick every finger in your mouth
What.a.week.  This past weekend, we FINALLY celebrated our friends Ashlin and Matt getting married!  Mike and I were away from the boys together for the first time and we had an unbelievable time with our friends and with each other.  The best part was coming home to them, their smiles and snuggles were worth being away.  By the way, I'm an avid renter from Rent the Runway but never have I ever been so obsessed with a rented item as I was with the Jay Godrey jumpsuit.  If you've never rented before, you need to do it.  It's a wonderful way to try new designers and styles you wouldn't normally try without totally committing.  Email me if you want a little discount!  Our current house SOLD (hallelujah, this girl couldn't keep it spotless much longer) and our new house is fully dry walled.  Finishes are finally coming together and it's starting to get very real.  2 kids, remodeling our dream home, when did this all happen?  Mike and I sometimes wonder when we became adults. We are looking forward to a very quiet weekend with just the boys.  Enjoy your long weekend, happy birthday AMERICA!
Morning snuggles
Wedding weekend, I took almost no photos
Jay Godrey Jumpsuit from Rent the Runway 
My fur baby, my first baby
To see our daily adventures, follow us on insta at mypeasandourpod and snapchat at skryzzz

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