Friday Five(ish)

Little Fishes
Friday Five just became 8 because wow, it's been awhile.  We've been so busy with trips, renovations and fun with friends & family.  Even as I'm typing this I really don't have the time, we move TOMORROW!  Phase 1 of renovations are basically done but there is still so much more we have planned for the space.  I cannot wait to share some glimpses of our dream home soon.

The boys are changing so rapidly, it's hard to keep up.  They have teeth, they're trying solid foods, and they can both sit up unsupported.  Cam was given a clean bill of health by his neurologist and she feels like he's back on track with his peers in terms of hitting milestones.  We have some fun ideas and stories to share with you in the coming weeks but for now, we move.  Enjoy a little peek into what we've been up to these days.
Hey Mom I can hold my own spoon 

No furniture, no problem

Did we just become best friends? 
Victory brew & Longwood

books on books on books

Vegas Vacation

His silly side

Kids Changed Our Marriage

August '09
Alot has changed in the 7 years we've been together.  When we met I was freshly 21 and now, I'm pushing 30.  We spent many of our nights choosing what movie we would see at the theater in Old City or what new restaurant we'd try.  We grabbed drinks after I got home from work or I cooked dinner after shopping for a recipe I found in Bon Appetit.  We loved to grab breakfast on Saturdays and Sundays and then head to our respective gyms for the morning.  We went to street festivals and beer gardens, explored new towns and islands.  Before the boys got here, I thought we were the closest we could ever be.
July '16
Campbell and Lucas have not only changed us as people, they've changed our marriage.  I knew Mike would be a great dad but it's beautiful to watch how the boys light up when he comes home.  He reads to them, tells them stories, and is always asking how he can help me.  I love him in a whole new way.  We've seen each other in a different light this year, we respect each other more.  We've been in the trenches together at 3 AM when one of the boys was losing his mind for only a reason a newborn could.  We were exhausted and hungry and needed showers but he reminded me often in those first few months of motherhood how he was in awe of me as a mom.  We value our time together, knowing that grabbing drinks on a Wednesday just isn't an option.  Even if dinner out is with boys in tow, we make the most of it.  I've learned since having the boys that our marriage should change.  It can not always be how it was, we must adapt and grow as a couple.  I can be nostalgic for the days when I didn't have to pack 4 people 3 days in advance of traveling just to keep myself sane.  But we can't go back to them and I don't want to.  Our marriage is no longer just the two of us, it includes our family.  Cheers to our third year of marriage, the year that pushed us to grow both in size and in our relationship.

Twin Momma Must-Haves: Milk Snob Cover

We knew when the boys were born early, we needed to offer them as much protection while out as possible.  Every baby has a low immune system but preemies are even more susceptible to dangerous germs.  We spent enough time in the hospital in their early days, I did not want something like RSV to land us back there.  We had also been warned when you have twins, EVERYONE wants to look and touch them. I needed a way to keep the boys safe from germs and strangers.  I hated all the really thick covers I was seeing and I hated the prints they came in even more. 
After many late nights scrolling through Instagram, I stumbled across Milk Snob.  Texas based momma Melanie Disbrow came up with a breathable cover that slips right over your car seat after she couldn't find a cover that worked for her babe.  The cover is made of a lightweight knit so air can circulate but still offers protection against the elements.  The boys stay hidden inside but the hole at the top can be used to peek in.  The covers have deterred many people from going right for the boys with their germy hands and allowing me to control who can look in on them.  The covers come in beautiful patterns, I have my eye on the florals for my future girls.  I kept with the classic black and white stripe but new patterns are being released all the time.  The boys love to stare at the stripes and I get tons of compliments while we're out and about.  Although I don't breastfeed, it does double as a nursing cover.  If you are one of our insta followers, you know I struggle getting the cover on my 4moms MamaRoo but it can be done (I think all my brain cells went to the boys).  The boys love to kick their blankets off while in their 4moms but using the cover keeps the "blanket" in place.  With so much versatility, Milk Snob covers will make a wonderful shower or bringing home baby gift and your momma friends will thank you again and again!

Windy days can't stop our walks
Covers as blankets on 4moms seats

Friday Five

When you hate teething toys, you stick every finger in your mouth
What.a.week.  This past weekend, we FINALLY celebrated our friends Ashlin and Matt getting married!  Mike and I were away from the boys together for the first time and we had an unbelievable time with our friends and with each other.  The best part was coming home to them, their smiles and snuggles were worth being away.  By the way, I'm an avid renter from Rent the Runway but never have I ever been so obsessed with a rented item as I was with the Jay Godrey jumpsuit.  If you've never rented before, you need to do it.  It's a wonderful way to try new designers and styles you wouldn't normally try without totally committing.  Email me if you want a little discount!  Our current house SOLD (hallelujah, this girl couldn't keep it spotless much longer) and our new house is fully dry walled.  Finishes are finally coming together and it's starting to get very real.  2 kids, remodeling our dream home, when did this all happen?  Mike and I sometimes wonder when we became adults. We are looking forward to a very quiet weekend with just the boys.  Enjoy your long weekend, happy birthday AMERICA!
Morning snuggles
Wedding weekend, I took almost no photos
Jay Godrey Jumpsuit from Rent the Runway 
My fur baby, my first baby
To see our daily adventures, follow us on insta at mypeasandourpod and snapchat at skryzzz

What We've Been Reading

As a teacher, I know how critical it is for children to be introduced to reading as early as possible.  As soon as the boys were home, we started reading bedtime stories.  Mike and I have settled into a nice routine at night as a family.  We all head upstairs where we give the boys bathes, change into jammies, eat a small bottle, and I read a story.   We've figured out Luke is an attentive baby who loves to stare at each picture and listen intently as I read.  And then there's Campbell.   He spends most of the time cooing and trying to get his daddy's attention or trying to pull Luke's hair.  I just keep reading, maybe one day he'll pay attention during story time.  Check out a few of our current favorites!

A Porcupine Named Fluffy 
The Day the Crayons Quit
Giraffes Can't Dance

Twin Momma Must-Haves: Wooden Play Gym

If you've ever been to our house, you know I'm a very neutral person.  I like calm colors and I'm obsessive about not having a lot of little things sitting out.  I don't know when that started, it's probably Mike's fault.  He's a neat freak.  When we found out we were having the boys, I started looking at play gyms. My worst nightmare, these big colorful play mats that didn't go with my decor (I can hear the eye rolls now).  I also could not find a play gym where the boys could play together and I wanted them to have as many opportunities to interact as possible.  After months of searching, I found Melanie Rae Wood Design on Etsy.  I contacted her and she made us the most beautiful custom double wooden play gym!  It came so quickly and the boys LOVE it.  We use it everyday during play time.  The gym came with three toys that are great for teething babies.  You can easily take them on and off to clean and add on your own toys.  Even if you don't need a double play gym, her original design is perfect for any baby. 

Friday Five

So my little teeny babies somehow became 4 month olds and by the way, I'm a whole week late on that one.  They turned 4 months on June 9th but it's a little busy here at the ranch.  As Mike's first Father's Day approaches, I can't help but to think how lucky we are to have him.  He's a wonderful hands-on dad who makes sure me and the boys always feel loved and have anything we need.  The boys light up when they see him and Daddy coming home from work is one of their favorite times of day(aside from meal time, obviously Cam loves to eat).  Happy first Father's Day bubbie, we love you!

The sweetest gift from our realtor for our new pool
Longwood Lilies
Visiting with Susie and Steph at school

You're a Freak Show

One thing I have found hard to get used to is how many people stare at you when you are pushing a double stroller through a public place.  No matter where I go, I command attention.  And although it is sweet how many people want to ask you questions and talk with you, it takes patience.  I have found some remedies to make getting out easier but what I stress to you is you MUST get out.  You need to get used to the stares and that you can do this mama!  And what's even better is you can do it alone, with no help, I promise!  Here are some things I've learned over the past few months.

Covers, covers, covers. Every one loves a baby and you've got two.  You are a sweet old lady magnet.  But you do not want people to have direct access to your babies because eww germs.  I invested in pretty covers almost immediately and I keep the boys covered when we are out.  Now I will warn you, there will be people who approach and do not even ask and up goes our Milk Snob cover.  But for the most part, the cover acts as a deterrent.  Milk Snob covers are my recommendation because they come in the cutest patterns and they're protective while also being breathable.

Learn early.  As soon as the boys came home from the hospital, I was determined to get out of the house by myself.  When the boys were about 3 weeks old and Mike was still working from home, I made my decision that it was time.  I packed the diaper bag with all of our necessities and I set out for the mall(about 5 minutes down the road).  Mike called an hour later to check on me because he was sure I would need help at some point.  But I didn't.  If I couldn't figure out how to unfold the stroller or get the car seat out of the car, I just took a deep breath and tried again.  You will always have a moment when you need to step back and breath through it so learn early.  Now I'm a pro and have a routine for loading them.  Stroller out first, then the diaper bag and my coffee, calmest twin at the time in the back, fussier twin in the front, close all doors and we're off.

Mommy hooks.  Mommy hooks will become your second best friend(your first is coffee, no maybe wine, no maybe hand sanitizer).  If I'm heading to Target or the grocery store, I will make sure to bring reusable shopping bags.  You put your reusable bags on your mommy hook, load your items into the bag and then there is no need for a shopping cart or basket! Buy yours here!

Mommy hooks & reusable bags
Plan. Do not, I repeat, DO NOT try to go to more than two places in one trip out where you have to unload and reload your twins.  First, it's a lot on you but it also disrupts them if they're napping and you will end up in the middle of a meltdown in Target.  Make your list of your errands in the morning and plan in which order you will hit each place.  Businesses such as dry cleaners or tailors may be willing to run your items out to the car if you call and ask.  Switch to a pharmacy that has a drive-thru lane.  Go to a grocery store that has mommy with small children parking.

Happy adventuring with your nuggets!

Remember to follow us on insta @mypeasandourpod and snapchat @skryzzz!

Friday Five

Visiting our new house
This week has been CRAZY busy.  We closed on our new house last week so demo began and it's basically down to the studs.  We are still in the process of selling our current house so I have learned how to keep the place spotless at all times which is not an easy task when you have 4 month old twins.  The week was also full of celebrations.  Over the weekend, we went out to dinner and a bar for dancing for one of my best friend's and Mike's birthdays.  We ended up at the bar where Mike and I met almost 7 years ago!  The school year is drawing to a close and even though I only taught for half of it, I ventured to our end of the year happy hour with the boys to see all of my friends and toast to another year in the books.  I'm already starting to wrap my head around going back in August and everything I need to get done to have a successful year with my new group of kiddos.  Campbell had a hearing screening that, thankfully, he passed.  And not to toot my horn but I managed to go to the doctor with both boys solo for the first time. And we did great.  Have a wonderful weekend and enjoy this beautiful weather!
Early riser from nap, first to play with the new toys
The birthday girl
Another day, another test
DIY mani/pedi: Gel Top CoatFunny Bunny. Sunday Funday
To get a peek into our daily adventures, follow us on Instagram @mypeasandourpod

Friday Five

Sunday Brunch
You know when something happens that makes you feel SUPER old?  Yeah that happened as we watched my little baby sister graduate from college this past weekend.  I still remember when we met her at the hospital and the time I accidentally dropped her in her Pack and Play when she was just a few months old.  Good thing that fall didn't kill too many brain cells.  She wants to be an Occupational Therapist and still has a year left of graduate school.  She is going to do amazing things, she's so great at what she does already and has such a passion for her work.  Cheers to you Becca and to your bright future!
The graduate 

We love our high chairs, I swear

The cutest pineapple keychain on the keys to our new house

Obsessed with white tulips these days

Just Call Us Mom and Dad

It was February 9th.  A Tuesday.  Every Tuesday and Friday for the past few weeks we had been seeing our Maternal Fetal doctor to do a non-stress test.  Today was like any other Tuesday except we were going to see the babies' growth since 32 weeks.  These had become my favorite days.  Mike and I would grab coffee and I would waddle into my appointment.  We would sit through the non-stress test with Mike making jokes the entire time and giving me updates on what the monitor said because it sat behind me.  We would chit chat with the nurses about the babies' room or if we had twins in our family.  We'd usually go out to lunch after and then take a nap in the afternoon.  The morning of February 9th, it was very cold and lightly snowing so I reluctantly put on my Uggs and we called Mike's mom telling her to stay home because we were both nervous about the road conditions.  We'd call after with an update on their growth.

We started the 35 week non-stress test and surprisingly both boys passed.  This is unusual with twins, especially mine, because one will kick or wiggle the monitor off.  We headed into our formal ultrasound to see how the boys measured up.  The tech always checked them quickly on Tuesdays and Fridays but today we were measuring for growth as well.    Campbell looked great but he refused to show us his face.  He was difficult towards the end, he was done with the poking and prodding that occurred so regularly.  Next up Luke.  The tech rolled over Luke who had positioned himself early on up in my ribs folded in half with his feet near his head.   She laughed and said "Well it looks like you'll be having the boys today!"  My head jerked to my left to look at Mike whose face was in shock.  "What do you mean?  Are you sure?" I asked frantically.  I hadn't even packed my hospital bag, it was on my to-do list for that week.  The tech couldn't find a pocket of fluid big enough in Luke's sack but she said the doctor would make the decision.  As soon as she left, I started crying.  I was excited to meet my babies but I wasn't ready.  I didn't have their pictures hung in their room, Turbo was at doggie daycare for his Tuesday visit, and did I mention I hadn't packed a hospital bag!  Our doctor came in a few minutes later with a very somber look on her face.  She has a sarcastic jokey personality so this wasn't making me feel any better.  "Well it looks like you're having your babies today!"  "Ok so I'll run home and grab my hospital bag(I was obsessed with the hospital bag, I know) and get the dog to.." She stopped me.  "Stephanie you need to walk over to the hospital right now, someone else will have to get the bag and take care of the dog.  You need to call your family.  Baby B has no fluid left in his sack and we aren't sure why.  He also really hasn't grown since week 32."  I didn't hear much after that, just a laundry list of disabilities and disorders that she was pretty sure we had avoided.  There was no option of what kind of birth I would be having.  Dr. Delaney would be meeting us in the maternity ward and I would be prepped for a C-section.  

It all happened so fast.  Our families showed up and we figured out our arrangements for the next few days.  Mike told work he officially wouldn't be available for awhile and we called our closest friends to let them know today was the day.  I was taken into the OR without Mike at first so I could get numbed from the chest down and he could scrub in.  I had an unbelievable team taking care of me.  It felt like an eternity until Mike finally walked in and sat down beside my head.    Every part of it did feel like an out of body experience.  There was a mirror angled down from the ceiling across the room and I remember seeing our reflection but refusing to believe that it was us.  We couldn't already be here, about to have two little baby boys.  Dr. Delaney warned us that because of the C-section, the boys may not cry but not to be worried.  But then I heard it, a little scream and they lifted Campbell up over the curtain.  I've never felt the way I did the first time I saw him.  Then exactly one minute later, Mike heard "Well that explains it, the little guy tied a knot in his umbilical cord" and the teeniest little baby was lifted over the curtain. I saw Lukey for the first time and felt the rush of emotion again. Mike relayed what he heard our doctor say but I couldn't comprehend the humungous bullet we just dodged.
Campbell 5 lbs 6 oz

The day the boys were born, I saw them for a total of maybe 15 minutes.  They were taken out of the operating room almost immediately after birth, laying cozily next to each other in an incubator.  I was wheeled to the NICU in a hospital bed about an hour later to visit with my teeny guys.  The first time I touched them, I was allowed to hold them for a few minutes.  I could do skin to skin for a little with each but we all needed our rest.  They needed to be in their heated beds with many wires attached to monitors, keeping a close eye on their vitals.  Before we left, I kissed my hands and laid one on each of their heads.  I had to say goodbye for the night.  I could come back in the morning the nurses reassured me but for now Campbell and Luke needed to sleep and I needed to start pumping.

Lucas 4 lbs 7 oz
I didn't know it yet but we were about to embark on quite the journey in the NICU.  Learning the ins and outs of NICU babies and what that entails.  But at that moment, as we were taken to postpartum, we were happy.  Mike and I were finally Dad and Mom.

Friday Five

Learning to love shades at an early age
I survived my first weekend away from the boys and had a blast with my gals.  It's an exciting time for our group of friends as we all start hitting big milestones in our lives.  There's always something to celebrate.  Campbell FINALLY started picking his head back up and even rolled over this week!  We are so ecstatic for him and so is Lukey who has been calling to him to look up for a couple of weeks.  This weekend we will watch my younger sister graduate from college and introduce the boys to the pool for the first time.  Pray for us!     

Guest bathroom inspiration

The most beautiful view on our walk 
Our bride
Hitting milestones like a champ

Twin Momma Must-Haves: Baby Merlin's Magic Sleepsuit

Sleep deprivation is no joke.  It's no wonder they use it as a form of torture.  As mentioned in a previous post, Mike and I were switching baby duties after 4 hours of sleep but the boys weren't doing well when I arrived back in our room for my "shift".  Around 2 months, the boys no longer liked sleeping.  They managed to wiggle their little arms out of their swaddles leading to a ton of flailing and waking up.  One day I checked on the boys and Luke had gotten his feet out!  Campbell thought it was great that after our 2:30 AM feed, all he had to do was cry a bit and he could snuggle on my chest until 6 AM.  This routine of no naps and a nightly snuggle buddy went on for a few weeks before something had to give.  I can't get into co-sleeping so I needed Cam in his own bassinet.  I needed them to nap so they could play and exercise those little necks when they were awake.  I needed naps because hey a girl needs a minute to load the dishwasher and maybe shower.  I remembered my barre instructor telling me about this suit she was using with her Cam and I did a little investigating.  I was nervous about buying it but then another friend mentioned that it was what she used with her little girl because she was a terrible sleeper.

I was off to Amazon Prime to buy two Baby Merlin's Magic Sleepsuits.  I wanted cream because I keep telling myself I'll save all of the boys' stuff for the girl we'll definitely be having(yes I'm already thinking about Baby #3).  Amazon Prime couldn't get it to me in two days though so blue it was!  Sorry future baby girl!  Let me tell you, this suit actually has magical powers.  (Warning: you will laugh uncontrollably the first time you see your baby in this suit and this may continue for several minutes.)  Once I finally stopped giggling, my boys spent a full hour napping in their own cribs before I heard the slightest whimper.  The first night was amazing, sleep from 9-4:30.  For the past two weeks, the boys have adjusted to their new bedtime at 8:30 and they sleep until 5:30-6 AM! I only have the boys in a short sleeve and shorts jammie set at night and sometimes just a diaper for naps because I get worried about them overheating.  I also ordered the cotton version of the suit because we'd be using it mainly in the summer.  Both boys are gaining weight so no dream feeds for us, eating and napping wonderfully, and seem to have a lot more energy for playtime during the day.  This suit would be a great shower gift or for any friend you know struggling to get their baby to sleep! Thank you Baby Merlin's Magic Sleepsuit, we are your biggest fans!

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